Meet the Director

Megan Murdock Krischke has a passion for reaching Native students on college campuses today. She and her husband, Will, planted a Native specific chapter at Fort Lewis College in Colorado ten years ago and have seen students lives transformed. Her experience at Fort Lewis College fueled her desire to see more Native students understand how they could both follow Jesus and honor tradition. As a result, she partnered with CRU's Nations movement and the Calvin Institute of Worship to create the Would Jesus Eat Frybread? Conference (WJEF), an annual conference that explores the intersection between faith and Native culture. 
In 2016, Megan accepted the invitation to lead InterVarsity's Native Ministries as InterVarsity's first ever national Native Ministries Coordinator which then became the first Native InterVarsity Director. Megan is now investing in the next generation of native leaders in InterVarsity in order that we may see more Native student lives transformed by Creator. A significant aspect of her leadership focuses on coaching InterVarsity staff across the country in reaching Native students on their campus. She also serves as an evangelism champion in InterVarsity, leading a team to contextualize resources for Native students.
Megan is a part of the Wyandotte tribe of Oklahoma and is also of Cherokee, Irish and Scottish descent. She currently resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her husband Will, and two children Flannery and Soren.